Student Ministers (Leaders)

Dwell’s Campus Ministry Intern is assisted by a team of 4 to 8 student leaders, called Student Ministers. This program provides extensive leadership opportunities for students within the ministry. Each spring, applications for Student Ministry are made available to all Dwell members who will, at the end of the spring semester, have been members of Dwell for at least one full school year. Student Ministers must commit to prioritizing Dwell during their year of service and aim to be good examples of how to live out our mission statement both within the Dwell community and on campus. Applications are evaluated each year by the Minister and the current year’s Student Minster team.
Once accepted, each Student Minister is assigned one of four ministry areas to lead (based on both calling and need): Fellowship (relationships), Outreach, Service, and Spiritual Growth. Student Ministers lead teams of Dwell members interested in their ministry area and work to promote the growth of the group by raising awareness and planning events that serve our goal of honoring Christ. The Student Minister team also plays a major role in the guidance and direction of the ministry through their work with the Campus Ministry Intern.

Lanaiya – Outreach Minister
Lanaiya Coakley (President) is 21 years old and from Tucson, AZ. She is currently studying at the University of Arizona to become a Special Education Teacher. She loves painting, dancing, and hanging out with her friends. She joined Dwell in April of 2023 and has loved it every since. Since becoming a Christian, she always prayed for a group of friends that love and live for the Lord. God provided and brought her to Dwell. She loves Dwell because it is a supportive and loving community who are passionate about following and serving the Lord.

Marcus – Service Minister
Marcus Jones (Vice President, Treasurer) is a rising Junior at the University Of Arizona and Studying Arts, Media & Entertainment. He is a passionate Musician who loves everything music related. He joined Dwell because of its tight knit community and encouraging environment.

Joe – Spiritual Growth Minister
Joe Cooper (Secretary) is a fourth year Psychology Major, and works party time as a plumber. He joins Dwell because he loves to serve and be a part of a serving community. He likes to play guitar and enjoys music. Joe is also a loving husband and father.

Josh – Fellowship Minister
Joshua Bass (Pima Representative) was born in Los Vegas, Nevada, and has been a resident of Arizona for 17 years. Currently, a Pima community college student majoring in AIT (Automated Industrial Technology) and a motor lab technician for Integrated Magnetics. He plans to finish up with the AIT associates degree program and the certificates that come with it in the Fall of 2024. Hobbies include: Playing video games and board games alike, fishing, hiking/camping, and singing songs/listening to music. Why he loves Dwell? Because it creates an atmosphere that is both fun and serious. Where people can open up freely in the same time period that they nearly died laughing.